
Adela Esther Tuy Tuy (19), Guatemala

Adela Tuy, is an Indigenous Maya Kaqchikel woman, born in a small community in Sololá, Guatemala. She is an ambassador for Girl Rising and a writer for The Teen Magazine. She has been writing and drawing since the age of 13. In 2021, she founded the project “Up&Up”, a collective for young Indigenous women. She was moderator of the program “Tzijonem”, which means “Let's Talk” in Kaqchikel, where she interviewed influential people. In 2022, at the age of 17, she collaborated with Entre Mundos magazine where she published her first article “Many Ways to Tell Stories”, in 2023 she wrote an article for We All Grow Latina “My Name is Adela and This Is My Voice”, she was also a guest at an art and writing festival and won first place in a narrative writing contest. She has also participated in podcasts, creating content from a youth perspective and addressing social issues and national problems. She was part of the Ajk'at Iximulew network, where they address environmental issues and the Escazú agreement. She recently published her first book “Keme”, about poetry. She aspires to be a writer and storyteller, and is studying Social Communication Sciences at the university.

Ana Yency Lemus Chávez (29), El Salvador

Ana identifies as an Afro-Salvadoran woman of the Panune ethnicity, she is an activist, advocate for the human rights of the Afro-descendant population, and environmentalist in El Salvador. In 2021, she presented a proposal for a law on nature rights and combating climate change, and in 2017, 2019, and 2023 she presented reform proposals to congressmen and officials of the country for the recognition of the Afro-descendant population in El Salvador and the defence of their territories as well as care and respect for the environment. She founded and directs the Salvadoran Afro-descendant Organized Foundation and fights for climate justice.

Antumalen Ayelen Antillanca Urrutia (25), Chile

Antumalen is a young Huilliche Mapuche from the southern Wallmapu/Chile, residing amidst Lake Ranco, the third largest lake in Chile, and belongs to the ancestral Mapuche community of Isla Huapi. Since 2020, in collaboration with her family, she has led the self-convened project "Epu Lafken Mapu," a collective that brings together Mapuche communities and scientific collaborators to monitor the water quality of the Ranco and Maihue lake basin. Antumalen is a defender of her lake, as she lives amidst it. To this day, her community still lacks drinking water and they take water directly from the lake. Therefore, her life goal as an islander generation is to fight for a healthy lake free of pollution.

Betzabeth Martínez Gutiérrez (24), México

Betzabeth is a Zapotec indigenous woman, originally from Santiago Matatlán, known as the world capital of mezcal, in Oaxaca, Mexico. She holds a degree in Accounting from UNAM. From an early age, she has collaborated with various institutions on environmental initiatives, such as tree planting and waste collection in communities, promoting the importance of waste classification. Over time, she has become involved in human rights issues, the empowerment of indigenous women, and the preservation of mother tongues. In 2019, she was awarded the State Youth Prize and was previously a fellow of the US Embassy in Mexico. Currently, she collaborates with various institutions on environmental projects, with a particular focus on her community and the mezcal industry.

Ervison Araújo Silva (25), Brasil

Also known as Wrakitã Terê, Ervison is an indigenous leader in the Alagoas backlands, an apprentice shaman, and a local representative of the Tonã - Toá youth collective, which promotes the culture and tradition of the Geripankó people. He is a member of the youth segment of the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Northeast Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo - APOINME. At 25, with the support of community leaders, he assumed the position of first municipal secretary for indigenous and quilombola peoples in Alagoas, in a city where over half the population is indigenous. Committed to the indigenous cause, Ervison aspires to share the conquest of land and territory among the original peoples, aiming to ensure human subsistence and the life of future generations.

Gabrielle Pompeu Sodré (25), Brasil

Gabrielle is a resident of the western region of Bahia, an area historically affected by drought and marked by the fight against agribusiness and companies building dams, violating human and environmental rights. She is organized within the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), where she fights for rights and against social and environmental injustices in her region and throughout Brazil. Through MAB, she has contributed to resistance processes in various regions of the northern and northeastern parts of the country, including areas of Cerrado, Caatinga, and the Amazon, as well as facing extreme weather events.

Hellen Freitas Ferreira (24), Brasil

Hellen is a co-founder and coordinator of the social project "Mais Por Nós," focused on the community of Belford Roxo/RJ, especially in areas of social vulnerability. She is currently studying Psychology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She is also a member of the "Black Women Doing Science" project of the Gender Studies and Ethnic-Racial Relations in Science and Health Education Center (NEGRECS) at the Nutes Institute (UFRJ). As a fellow at the Laboratory of Digital Identities and Diversity, she researches racial relations, gender, sexuality, impacts of climate change, and minority populations. Her personal goal is to impact lives and transform realities.

Jeyreel Emanuel Mora Solano (18), Costa Rica


Jeyreel is of Afro-descendant ancestry and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, he is a social and environmental activist and student leader. Identified with the left and human rights, he considers himself an eco-socialist and is recognized in his city as a passionate advocate for climate and ecology. He has led student groups and youth organizations dedicated to environmental justice and sustainability.

Juliana Melisa Asprilla Cabezas (25), Colombia

With a degree in Sociology from the Universidad del Valle, she has focused her professional career on social intervention, community management, and research on gender, race, ethnicity, and peace. She has coordinated educational projects, prevention of gender violence, mental health, and social entrepreneurship. Her commitment as a community leader is reflected in her active pursuit of ethnic-racial inclusion and equity, promoting diversity of identities for a more comprehensive and equitable approach in all her initiatives. Additionally, she shows interest in climate justice in the Global South, advocating for solutions that address social equity and environmental sustainability.

Rayane da Silva França (22), Brasil

Yawadj Xipai, also known as Rayane in her civil identification, was born and raised in the Middle Xingu region, specifically in Altamira. At 22, she is studying International Relations at the Federal University of Santa Maria, in Rio Grande do Sul. As the first indigenous woman in her field of study, Yawadj carries a great responsibility. She has specialized in climate issues, international recognition law, gender, and race, with the aim of helping other young people access and occupy these spaces.

Sydney Mishel Males Muenala (27), Ecuador

Sydney is a Kichwa Otavalo woman dedicated to the fight for racial, climate, and human rights, especially for indigenous peoples. She obtained a full scholarship to study a master's degree at FLACSO, where she researched mining activity in indigenous communities. During her time as vice president of the Kichwa Council of Otavalo, she led environmental projects. She also participated in the EMRIP of the UN to advocate for the rights of uncontacted indigenous peoples. As the founder of the Wallpay Crew Collective, she promotes racial, climate, and gender justice. She has worked at the Hakhu Amazonia Foundation and collaborated with various organizations. She represented Ecuador at Latinas For Climate and Tremendas Ec, and has participated in international events such as COP27 and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.